Humans of Cal Rotaract Fall 2021

Cal Rotaract is a club full of selfless, diverse, and accomplished individuals. Each member contributes to the club in their own unique way, whether it be through service, fellowship, or support. We would like to highlight some of the stories and accomplishments of some of our Rotaract members through this semesters edition of Humans of Cal Rotaract. We hope you are able to learn more about these extraordinary individuals through their experiences listed down below.

Humans of Cal Rotaract

Daniella Lake | Los Angeles, CA

Sophomore | Art History and Media Studies

Why did you join Rotaract?

I joined Rotaract because I wanted to be a part of a student organization that made an impact through community service. Community service has been a big part of my life, and I'm happy to continue to take part in it through Rotaract. I also wanted to be surrounded by individuals who cared about things bigger than themselves and who have a genuine interest in making their community and the world a better place in a tangible way.
What is your favorite memory/aspect of Rotaract?
Since I have only experienced Rotaract virtually, I have really appreciated and been impressed by the amount of opportunities Rotaract has to engage in community service and to have fun with other Rotaract members. I have truly enjoyed every meeting and event I've been to because the community is so welcoming, funny, and awesome.
What skills have you gained from Rotaract?
Since I'm the Local Committee Intern this semester, I've gained quite a few skills from Rotaract. I have learned how to lead and take part in engaging and meaningful discussions. I really love how Rotaract has leadership opportunities like these that allow students to grow and learn. Since Local Committee's theme this semester is racial justice, we had a workshop on unconscious bias and ways to mitigate it. This workshop gave me the important skill of recognizing unconscious bias within myself and others, and taking the steps to reduce it. Having this workshop and other meetings/events this semester focused on racial justice has equipped me with the skills to view racial phenomena and issues with a critical, informed lens and has made me more empathetic as well. Its skills like this and more students can learn through Rotaract and its various committees, meetings, and events.
If animals could talk, what animal do you think would be the most annoying?
A duck, for sure. I think of the company Alflac and the duck's voice they use. I feel like a duck like that would be very annoying, lol!
If you could pick any place regardless of time, money, etc, where would you go?
I would go to Barcelona, Spain. Ever since I watched Cheetah Girls 2 when I was a little girl, I have always wanted to go to Barcelona to experience the beautiful culture of Spain, speak the language, groove to the music, and taste the delicious food!

Patricia Milano | San Diego, CA

Junior | Molecular Environmental Biology

Why did you join Rotaract?

I joined Rotaract because I've heard from others how its a really fun service club and although my highschool did not have Interact, we had a club that's very similar to it called New Perspective and SYNC leadership. I find volunteer work very comforting and enjoyable because I get to help people while also allowing myself to try new things, meeting all kinds of people from different backgrounds and stories, and just having a community that share the same goals.
What is your favorite memory/aspect of Rotaract?
My favorite memory/aspect of Rotaract would definitely have to be the casual family hangout nights. I get to comfortably talk to others one on one and really get to know them, share stories with each other, play games and watch movies/anime. I also really like spending quality time with people so just one-on-one sit downs with my big or just a small hang out zoom with the fam is definitely a fave for me.
What skills have you gained from Rotaract?
I've definitely gained more confidence with my public speaking skills. The people in Rotaract really helped me come out of my shell more and im very grateful for that. I also learned how to be more organized and use Google programs more.
If animals could talk, what animal do you think would be the most annoying?
The most annoying would probably be a dog, just cause they already are kind of hyper around people/animals so having them talk would probably just be nonstop dog topics :3
If you could pick any place regardless of time, money, etc, where would you go?
I would probably pick the Philippines. Its where I was born and its where most of my relatives are so I would love to spend more time with them without having to worry about money.
What is a piece of trivia you know that is interesting but also completely useless?
The Bechtel Engineering Center has a green roof and its located between Davis and Evans, but you don't really realize that its a green roof because it really just looks like a patch of grass and that the actual building is underground.

Olivia Huang | Whippany, NJ

Sophomore | Computer science and Cognitive science

Why did you join Rotaract?

I was in Interact in high school, and enjoyed it so much that I wanted to continue in college!
What is your favorite memory/aspect of Rotaract?
Staying after meetings and just vibing with people!
What skills have you gained from Rotaract?
Learning to take things in a new perspective, and using hobbies for good!
If animals could talk, what animal do you think would be the most annoying?
Huskies- they're already so dramatic, talking in English would be constant whining lol
Which movie or book protagonist would make the worst roommate?
Deoksu from squid game- he looks smelly and is overall a mean person

Mo Mao | Beijing, China

Freshman | Intending MCB&Art Practice

Why did you join Rotaract?

I enjoyed doing community service when I was in high school, and I wanted to continue doing it in college. Thus I focused on looking for community service opportunities. On the other hand, I have never been to California before, not to mention Berkeley alone, so I wished to know the community as well as to find the feeling of belonging here.
I choose Rotaract because not only it provides varieties of service opportunity I can take part in (and feel very rewarded afterwards), but also because that I’ve met passionate and caring people here. This is a community where I don’t feel being judged, where I can let loose a little bit from perfectionism and self-consciousness.
What is your favorite memory/aspect of Rotaract?
One of my favorite memories so far was a chat with a science educator while volunteering at BioLink Depot. I learned from this educator that she was leading groups of middle to high schooler preparing for the science Olympiad in 2022 at Berkeley. Not only she showed me projects made by her students, she also told me about her former and current students, some trivial facts or statements that she adores them whether or not they ever made into national level.
She is probably one of million teachers in the U.S, but through her words I could tell her passion in education and teaching. From my perspective, it is very rewarded to be able to help people like her, and it is heartwarming to hear those stories she told me about her students as well.
What skills have you gained from Rotaract?
As a historian intern, I am learning and practicing using cameras and possibly editing through workshops hosted by current historian and former historians. Aside from the necessary knowledge needed to handle a camera, I also learned taking responsibilities: not merely taking photos in events, but also what should I record; And whether or not I have disrespected someone by taking their photos. I have not considered much of those until now.
Moreover, as a member in Rotaract, I am learning how to be a better person. No one’s life at Berkeley (and probably anywhere)is easy, but the ability of be kind and understanding to each other despite all other hardships and mischievous events going through one’s life is something I have observed in each members at Rotaract. I would not say I have learned this skill already, but I am working on it.
If animals could talk, what animal do you think would be the most annoying?
Can't choose! Animals are all too cute to get the blame.
If you could pick any place regardless of time, money, etc, where would you go?
Kingdom of Hyrule/Yukumo Village/Gondolin (can't pick between the three)
What is a piece of trivia you know that is interesting but also completely useless?
Despite having eight eyes, Tarantulas cannot see very well.
Which movie or book protagonist would make the worst roommate?
Jack Sparrow from the Pirates of the Caribbean (the character is awsome, just not a good roommate).

Jasmine Tran

Freshman | Statistics

Why did you join Rotaract?

I was involved in a similar community service club in high school, so I was looking for similar clubs on campus. I also like the broad range of different community service interests that Rotaract tackles.

What is your favorite memory/aspect of Rotaract?
My favorite aspect would be all the different people. It’s cool that there are a lot of different people who are attracted to Rotaract and share this one interest of community service, although there are a ton of other things to be interested in.
What skills have you gained from Rotaract?
Through working in Interact’s Marketing subcommittee, I have gotten better at organizing and communicating, spreading out the work, and doing my specific responsibility. I have gained Excel spreadsheet skills and learned how to organize different data.
If animals could talk, what animal do you think would be the most annoying?
Kangaroos, they give me tough, “jerk” vibes.
If you could pick any place regardless of time, money, etc, where would you go?
Maybe Japan. I’m very interested in the culture there, it’s pretty cool.
What is a piece of trivia you know that is interesting but also completely useless?
On the weather app, when it says some percent chance of rain, it actually means 100% chance of rain covering that percentage of the area. Cheetahs have support dogs. Cheetahs get anxiety, for example in the zoo, so they have support dogs that give them emotional support.
Which movie or book protagonist would make the worst roommate?
Maybe Hagrid from Harry Potter. Dude seems a little clumsy, but I don’t know if that means he’s the worst.

Guisselle Salazar

Freshman | Political Science and Spanish

Why did you join Rotaract?

I joined because I had a wonderful experience with Rotary in high school. I wanted to continue with the program and be active in service.

What is your favorite memory/aspect of Rotaract?
My time in Interact committee meetings is memorable. Simply planning for the arrival of high school students excites me. Especially because this will be some of their first time seeing a college campus. It would be really exciting to be a part of that journey. That’s so fun overall!
What skills have you gained from Rotaract?
I've gained interpersonal skills. I'm working with different personalities because there's a plethora in the Interact Committee. I have become more aware of how many different people there are and how to work with certain types of groups. At the same time, being able to adapt to unique work environments.
If animals could talk, what animal do you think would be the most annoying?
Any needy docile pet, for example, a dog. This is because they're really “naggy”, and they already ask for your attention.
If you could pick any place regardless of time, money, etc, where would you go?
I would go anywhere in Greece. It is a breathtaking place.
What is a piece of trivia you know that is interesting but also completely useless?
The blue-ringed octopus is one of the deadliest creatures in the world, but it's so tiny that no one ever sees them.
Which movie or book protagonist would make the worst roommate?
The Grouch from Sesame Street because he would be so messy and would relentlessly complain.

Shuka Park | Yokohama, Japan

Senior | MCB & Psychology

•  Previous Exec Edition  •

What is your favorite exec/Rotaract memory?

It's certainly difficult to think of a distinct favorite memory. My cop-out answer is to say that the conglomeration of all the little things that Rotaract had to offer is my "favorite memory", and it wouldn't be too far from the truth. From the fun, spontaneous outings to the deep talks that uplifted me when I was down, many fleeting yet beautiful moments combine to put Cal Rotaract in a special place in my heart.

*Maybe my favorite memory is the friends I made along the way.*

What made you want to be an officer/ exec?

I wanted to continue to maintain the welcoming and kind-hearted atmosphere of the club. I felt incredibly blessed to have met so many amazing officers and executives in the generation before me, and I wanted to give back to this particular community by trying to lead it.

What was one of the most valuable things you learned as an officer/exec? 


Any tips or advice for current officers or members?

I'm always one to think that advice is the most effective when it is specifically catered towards the person (or people) who are asking for it. However, if I had to give an overarching theme of advice, I would say... never give up! Find hope in the depths of despair! Lastly, someone in Rotaract told me a wonderful quote and I'll share it with you too!

"It’s not in the stars to hold our destiny but in ourselves" -William Shakespeare

Alumni of Cal Rotaract

Joan Hu | Murrieta, CA

Year Graduated : 2018

Major: Economics

Please describe your profession or your career goals.
I'm currently a financial analyst at a small real estate firm in Alameda, where I focus on financial management, acquisitions, and construction management. Shout out to Shawn Rowles (Rotarian) for mentoring me all these years and encouraging me to try out real estate my 2nd year! I even convinced a few other Rotaractors to join me in this journey! Feel free to reach out if you're interested in a similar career path.

What was your involvement when you were a part of Rotaract?

I was the Local Committee Co-Chair for my first year and the President the next. The main theme I prioritized both years was sustainable service.

How has Rotaract helped you professionally?

As part of the Board, there are many large-scale events that you both plan and attend. While my primary role at my company is analyzing financials, I also help out with marketing and event planning tasks. There is a lot of detail and creativity that goes into each event, and I can thank Rotaract for helping me build these skills!

What is the biggest takeaway/ skill you've learned from your Rotaract experience?

My main takeaway is to interact with as many people as you can. I was very shy when I first joined, but my roles pushed me to reach out to members and interact with them whenever I got the chance. This has helped me immensely in my career, in which networking is an important function.

What is your favorite Rotaract memory?

SO many special memories with the Rotaract family! My favorite memory has to be the family sleepover that we hosted. We cooked together, played board games, and did a White Elephant exchange that night. The coolest part is that I'm still close friends with many of those family members!

What is a quarantine hobby you picked up recently or quarantine activity?

I convinced my group of friends to work out with me over Zoom every single day for about 7-8 months. This has to be my proudest achievement during the entire quarantine period. I also learned how to sail, which has been really fun!

Alexa Tisopulos | Claremont, CA

Year Graduated : May 2020

Major: Psychology and Interdisciplinary Studies



Please describe your profession or your career goals.
I am a corporate recruiter for Forward, a health/tech start-up with the goal of getting healthcare to a billion people. I have always been passionate about healthcare accessibility and almost every activity I did in college, whether it was Rotaract, Rally Comm, or Campus Ambassadors, was always about working with others to be a welcoming face for whatever group it was. So, I was able to marry my two interests to become a corporate recruiter, where I focus on recruiting for executive level roles at Forward. Please feel free to reach out if you are interested at all in Forward and I'd be happy to chat! My future career aspirations are a little more up in the air: I could see myself being a Head of Talent somewhere, but I also love teaching and research, so I could also see myself going back to school to get my PhD in Industrial-Organizational Psychology.

What was your involvement when you were a part of Rotaract?

In Rotaract, I was a Family Chair from 2016-2017 and I was a member throughout college. I especially loved being involved in Interact Stayover every semester, where I was typically a group and activity leader. As Family Chair, my favorite event that I held was Berkeley Relay for Life, where our Rotaract team raised $1,155 and we stayed all night in Pauley Ballroom! I loved that there was always a committee or event to attend in Rotaract and that everything we did mattered--even selecting the campus scavenger hunt spots for the group competition for many different Stayovers! One event during Stayover that I spearheaded every semester was the Campus Organizations mixer, where the Stayover high schoolers got to meet representatives from various campus groups at UC Berkeley. This activity was always a favorite of the high schoolers because they got to see first hand how vast activities in college span (many had no idea that acappella groups were actually a real thing in college!) and got them excited about the opportunities that came with college, beyond just a great education.

How has Rotaract helped you professionally?

Rotaract was a great stepping stone between Interact in high school and has kept me interested in becoming a full Rotary member in the future. I met some of the most dedicated, warm, and wonderful people through Rotaract that always pushed me to be my best and that any contribution to the club was worthwhile. While working as Family Chair and on Stayover, I was constantly coordinating people, events, and managing difficult deadlines and schedules--all of which I use every day professionally. There's no doubt of the immense professional development I had working with Rotaract for four years and I am lucky to take that experience with me in my career.

What is the biggest takeaway/ skill you've learned from your Rotaract experience?

The biggest takeaway from my Rotaract experience is always striving to give back to others. When I was in my initial job hunt, although it was very challenging back in May 2020, one parameter I set as a deal breaker in my job hunt was companies that are actively trying to do good in the world. I've found that I am incredibly motivated by others and that I want to improve the lives of others in any way I can. The skills I learned have also been indispensable to my success: no matter what I do with my career, I will always work with teams, have challenging deadlines, need strong project coordination skills, and have to prioritize effectively, all things I did with Rotaract all four years of college.

What is your favorite Rotaract memory?

The first memory that comes to mind is all the end-of-day Saturday Stayover dance parties that we would have at the end of all programming on Saturday. There was nothing more fun than being able to dance and sing with all the Interactors and fellow Rotaracters after a very long day of non-stop activities and moving around. Those moments always reminded me how much everyone loved Stayover and how valuable it was that Cal Rotaract put it on every semester.

What is a quarantine hobby you picked up recently or quarantine activity?

Sadly, didn't pick up any crazy new hobbies! I got into home workout videos a lot more and got more into cooking/meal prep! I make a mean cajun chicken with veggies, if I do say so myself.

Is a hot dog a sandwich or not? Give us your take 😉

So here's an even weirder hot take about this issue: I think hot dogs are tacos. Or they are in the taco family (whatever that is). Because it's true the hot dog sits in between two slices of bread, but the bread slices are connected which I think begs a different category, i.e. taco. I am pretty passionate about this for absolutely no reason.

What is your favorite joke to tell or prank you've done?

Two guys walked into a bar. The third guy ducked.

If you had your own movie, which actor would you choose to play and why?

That's a great question...I think I would have to say Anna Kendrick or Jennifer Lawrence just because I pride myself on being my crazy, funny, energetic, meme-y self at all times and I think they are some of the very few actresses that are willing to show that side of themselves. I also just love them both in almost everything they do, so it would be awesome for them to take my life to another level.

Justin Lee | San Ramon, CA

Year Graduated: 2019

Major: MCB (Immunology)

Please describe your profession or your career goals.
I hope to work in the biotech industry in the future, with a specific focus on drug discovery and development. I am currently pursing my PhD in metabolic biology, with my research focused on understanding metabolic homeostasis regulation and disease therapeutics.

What was your involvement when you were a part of Rotaract?

I served as a board member for two years; first as a design chair, then as one of the Interact committee co-chairs. Working internally as a design chair, I was able to put an old hobby towards good, social causes to help bring club branding and events to life digitally. I had always loved Interact (as I was a member in high school), so I was excited to return to the board again as one of the Interact Committee co-chairs the following year. Interact Stayover is one of my favorite events and it was one of the highlights of my Rotaract career to run a committee focused on youth engagement and empowerment.

How has Rotaract helped you professionally?

When people tell you that your 3-4 person group projects from lecture are hard and stressful, they haven't tried the boot camp of all group project boot camps that is working on a Rotaract board. Without a doubt, Rotaract has toughened my abilities to work in a large, dynamic team environment where everyone is working on their own sub-projects with different leadership and communcation styles all in name of the larger goal of service. Time management, project and resource coordination, people management, meeting deadlines, verbal communication, and the list could go on of how Rotaract can carry over to our professional skillsets.

What is the biggest takeaway/ skill you've learned from your Rotaract experience?

The unique generosity of the human spirit; Even though the basic premise of the club is individuals taking their own time to help others, I'm always amazed to find people who are willing to give even more to make the people and the world around them that much better. Every person has something unique to contribute to the conversation, to the world, but not everyone has the platform to be able to meaningfully share their contributions. I think Rotaract is a great platform that allows people to positively share their unique contributions to make an impact to the space around us and I hope I can help elevate others to make a positive impact for themselves, others, and to the world around them as well.

What is your favorite Rotaract memory?

One of my favorite events was hosting the Inter-Rotaract Day of Service back in 2018 where we collaborated with many Interact clubs in the Bay Area to collect donation items to create care packages for San Francisco and Berkeley sites. At first, we didn't know if such an ambition project would work out since there was so much coordinating between high schools and service sites, but in the end, the turnout and impact was even greater than we expected! It was really one of those cliche moments where you feel like what was meant to happen, if you let if happen, will happen.

What is a quarantine hobby you picked up recently or quarantine activity?

Finding comfortable position on the couch or in bed to prop my devices up to watch Netflix

Is a hot dog a sandwich or not? Give us your take 😉

What's a burger then?