Officers Spring 2013

John Bui, President

YEAR: 2nd, Undergraduate
MAJOR: Integrative Biology
SERVICE PASSIONS: Education, Children, International Projects (like EndPolioNow and ShelterBox)
HOBBIES: Playing piano, swimming, hanging out with friends, playing card and board games of all sorts, Rubik’s cube puzzles, hiking, exploring new eateries, watching TV shows and movies, and so much more.
CONTACT: [email protected]
ABOUT ME: Hello everyone! I’m excited to be your president for the upcoming year! I was first exposed to Rotary through Interact in high school and it opened myself up to the world around me as I participated in hosting charity dinners and shows to fundraise for international projects, such as Hydraid and ShelterBox. Through being a fellowship director, I met so many people with very passionate goals and it is amazing to see the impact such a small group of people can make. I was immediately hooked and what can I say? It has been an incredible journey. I am an enthusiastic and friendly person, who loves doing everything from competitive card-game playing to walks down the beach and I look forward to meeting all of you this semester!

Robynne Lindsey, VP of Internal

YEAR: 3rd, Undergraduate
MAJOR: Political Science & Anthropology (Pre-Law)
SERVICE PASSIONS: One of my favorite service projects with Cal Rotaract was building the BOSS playground. In just two days we helped build a full playground for the homeless shelter.
HOBBIES: Outdoor activities, exploring, relaxing, cooking, and eating lots of food!
FAVORITE CHILDHOOD TV SHOW: Franklin the Turtle, I even had the computer game!
CONTACT: [email protected]
ABOUT ME: Hello friends! I’m Robynne and I am your Cal Rotaract VP of Internal! This will be my second year in Rotaract and I absolutely love my Rotaract family. I am so excited to see what is in store for this semester. I love Rotaract for its dedication to service which is what keeps me coming back for more! I am a fun loving girl who truly enjoys meeting new people and making new friends. So, if you see me around introduce yourself, I would LOVE to meet you!

Natalie Cowan, VP of Marketing

YEAR: 2nd, Undergraduate
MAJOR: Intended Media Studies and Sociology
SERVICE PASSIONS: Hands-on work outdoors, volunteering with children, international aid projects (LN-4/WaPI)
HOBBIES: Eating (mainly oreos), painting my nails, Chipmunked singing, frolicking
FAVORITE CHILDHOOD TV SHOW: Lizzie McGuire, Boy Meets World
CONTACT: [email protected]
ABOUT ME: Hello, friends!! I’m Natalie, this year’s Design Director and VP of Marketing. I’m excited to continue my work with Cal Rotaract designing posters and helping spread the word about our wonderful service opportunities and socials with my trusty team of Marketing masterminds. I fell in love with the club after joining the International Committee my first semester, and have found my family here ever since. I hope to spread more Rotaract cheer throughout our community (and around the world!) while making new friends and adventuring with old ones!

Marina Liang, Co-VP of Service

YEAR: 3rd, Undergraduate
MAJOR: Business Administration and Psychology
SERVICE PASSIONS: Protecting our environment (Go green!), increasing the self-esteem of children and young teens, and striving to save children from malnutrition and other ailments such as physical deformities or disease
HOBBIES: Dancing, drawing, laughing, making jewelry, and yoga
FAVORITE CHILDHOOD TV SHOW:TOO MANY: Pokemon, Digimon, Power Rangers (IN SPACE!), Yu-gi-oh, Mr. Roger’s Neighborhood, Jackie Chan Adventures, Static Shock!
CONTACT: [email protected]
ABOUT ME: Hi there, my name is Marina and I am excited to be your Vice President of Service for this year! As a people person, I love to laugh and make new friends. Don’t be afraid to get to know me! One interesting fact about me is that I am a mix of French and five different Asian ethnicities. I am from Los Angeles (sometimes my “LA girl” just comes out), but I love the Bay Area! I was in Interact in high school, and I am excited to continue serving under Rotaract! I served as your Local Committee Co-chair and had an amazing time and look forward to continue serving our community. I am very easygoing and fun-loving, and I am a great listener. So if you have any questions, holler at me, ‘cuz I ain’t no hollaback girl!

Chris Yee, Co-VP of Service

YEAR: 3rd, Undergraduate
MAJOR: Integrative Biology
SERVICE PASSIONS: My main passion is working with children but honestly, I love anything to do with service! I love helping others and I will help them any way I can.
HOBBIES: Basketball, video games, reading, eating, and hanging out with friends! 😀
CONTACT: [email protected]
ABOUT ME: Hey, what’s up? My name is Chris and I am currently co-Vice President of Service! I joined Rotaract in the Spring of 2011 because I wanted to make a difference and I ended up making so many friends along the way! I am excited for this year and I am sure it will be a great one with everyone’s help! I hope to make this year even better than the previous! Outside of Rotaract and school, I spend most of my time either playing or watching basketball! Go Sacramento Kings! But yes, I am most likely either at the RSF or hanging out with friends when I have free time. If you see me on campus, don’t be shy and feel free to say hi to me! I love to meet new people and I am very friendly.

Brian C Ly, VP of Social Affairs

YEAR: 2nd, Undergraduate
MAJOR: Japanese
SERVICE PASSIONS: Disaster relief, environmental projects, water safety, children!
HOBBIES: Photography, anime, food, vinyl records, driving
CONTACT: [email protected]
ABOUT ME: Hi y’all! My name is Brian C Ly (the C doesn’t stand for anything), and I’ll be serving as your Vice President of Social Affairs, so feel free to approach me and get social! I’ve been involved in Interact all of high school, so this marks my sixth year with Rotary International. While my origins lie in local service working as a commissioner in my high school Interact Club, I’ve developed an interest in supporting international projects as a Rotaractor. While I’m not out and about serving the community, you could find me exploring eateries around the city, chilling in my room, or collecting vinyl records. Rotaract has been both my support system and my family here at Cal, so I’m looking forward to meeting you all!

Chris Kim, Secretary

YEAR: 1st, Undergraduate
MAJOR: Intended Business and Computer Science
SERVICE PASSIONS: Education/teaching, working with kids, and any kind of hands-on service projects!
HOBBIES: Tennis, Pokemon battling, eating good food, watching food videos, sleep, jamming with the (sometimes imaginary) band, and whiling away hours on the interwebs!
CONTACT: [email protected]
ABOUT ME: Hello world! My name is Chris “Hello Kitty” Kim (it’s a long story) and I am very excited to serve as your secretary for the 2013 year! Rotary has always been a big part of my life from Interact to RYLA to representing my wonderful Area 3 in District 5170, and I am very happy to be able to continue working with this great organization through Rotaract! As secretary, I’ll be sending out super informative newsletters (make sure to subscribe!) and helping to keep our club running smoothly! I love making new friends and being of service to people, so if you ever have any questions or want to talk about something, I’m your bro! PS I’m always down for a Pokemon battle, tennis match, or random adventure, and if you are too: we will be great friends.

Tim Wang, Treasurer

YEAR: 2nd, Undergraduate
MAJOR: Applied Mathematics and Computer Science
SERVICE PASSIONS: Cleaning up the environment, WAPI’s, LN-4’s&helip;mostly anything, really!
HOBBIES: Copying random fonts, anything with numbers, singing when no one’s around, sleeping, spending more time than I should with friends, making dumb memes, occasional trolling
CONTACT: [email protected]
ABOUT ME: HELLO EVERYBODY! I am Tim, and I am super excited to serve as your treasurer for the upcoming year! I joined Rotaract because I like to make friends and help out the community. Little did I know, Rotaract had so much more to offer! I have never had so much fun doing service; spending time with all of you Rotaractors is always a great time! I will do my best to be at all the events, so if you see me, feel free to come chat with me (especially if you have a good pun…or a bad pun). I look forward to meeting and bonding with you all!

Prerak Juthani, Impact Chair

YEAR: 1st, Undergraduate
MAJOR: Molecular Cell Biology
SERVICE PASSIONS: Working in nature, helping others, cleaning the environment, helping others. I practically enjoy doing anything that involves “hands-on” service!
Hobbies: Spending time with my family, learning new things, helping others.
HOBBIES: Spending time with my family, learning new things, helping others, playing basketball, hiking, and relaxing with friends.
CONTACT: [email protected]
ABOUT ME: Hi everyone! My name is Prerak Juthani, and I look forward to serving as the Impact Chair for the upcoming year! Service has always been a big part of my life, and I feel blessed to live in a community that provides me with the resources to succeed. I enjoy doing service because it not only permits me to meet new people, but also assists me in bettering my community! Throughout high school, I was actively involved in Interact and that motivated me to join Rotaract last semester. Since then, Rotaract has become a big part of my life; the people here are amazing, and the service events are indescribable. My involvement in the club helped me acclimate to the college environment and build lasting friendships. This upcoming year, I hope to make your experience as great as mine (possibly even better!), and show you how REMARKABLE Rotaract truly is. 🙂

Andy Ding, Webmaster

YEAR: 1st, Undergraduate
MAJOR: Molecular Cell Biology: Biochemistry
SERVICE PASSIONS: Local/hands on projects that benefit the Berkeley community, as well as international projects (WaPIs!)
HOBBIES: Discovering new music, Legos, photography, watching anime, hanging out with friends, EATING AND VIDEO GAMES (ideally, together)!
CONTACT: [email protected]
ABOUT ME: Hello friends! My name is Andy Ding and I will be serving as your Webmaster for the year! This is my first year in Rotaract and I am incredibly excited to see the service projects this year has to offer. I joined Rotaract because of the club’s huge dedication to service, as well as its friendly and familiar atmosphere. I absolutely LOVE FOOD, so if you ever want to try out new restaurants, hit me up! Feel free to come say hi! Promise I won’t bite 🙂

Maddie McClure, Outreach Director

YEAR: 2nd, Undergraduate
MAJOR: Intended Integrative Biology and Modern Dance Minor
SERVICE PASSIONS: Local projects where I get to work directly with local people
HOBBIES: Dancing, card-playing, acting, being spirited
CONTACT: [email protected]
ABOUT ME: Hi everyone!! My name is Maddie and I am extremely excited about being the
Cal Rotaract Outreach Chair this year! I have been involved in Rotary since I was a junior in
high school, and have loved every moment of my experience. I am stoked to have been given the opportunity to OUTREACH to all ofyou! Rotary has only been an amazingly positive influence in my life, and I want to share the Rotararian love with you! Please feel free to come up to me talk to me about anything (club collaboration, restaurant recommendations, life etc!); I am always here to listen. Have an awesome day, and GO BEARS!

Olivia Tang-Kong, Historian

YEAR: 1st, Undergraduate
MAJOR: Intended Business Administration and Media Studies
SERVICE PASSIONS: Environmental projects, projects which impact the local community
HOBBIES: Going on photography adventures, making DIY bracelets, library hopping, baking chocolate chip cookies, watching indie movies, and crafting the perfect Spotify playlist
FAVORITE CHILDHOOD TV SHOW: Tom and Jerry. What’s not to love about an adorable mouse and comedic chase scenes?
CONTACT: [email protected]
ABOUT ME: Hello! My name is Olivia and I am excited to be your Historian for this semester! I’ve always been devoted to service – while in high school, I made it a personal goal to complete over one hundred hours of service every year. I was also a member of Interact for all four years of high school, so naturally I joined Rotaract the minute I stepped onto the Berkeley campus. Rotaract quickly became my home away from home, so I hope to foster the same feeling as an officer! Feel free to come up and say hi; I love to talk about anything and will laugh at all your jokes. You can easily spot me – I’m the girl with the camera strapped around her neck! Outside of Rotaract, you’ll probably find me in Main Stacks (never doing work…I’m always on Facebook!) or drinking almond milk tea.

Vincent La, Local Committee Co-Chair

YEAR: 2nd, Undergraduate
MAJOR: Public Health
HOBBIES: Photography, longboarding, snowboarding
CONTACT: [email protected]
ABOUT ME: I love pigs.

Margaret Shyu, Local Committee Co-Chair

YEAR: 2nd, Undergraduate
MAJOR: Molecular Cell Biology, Economics
SERVICE PASSIONS: Saving the environment, helping the community, and just
doing anything hands on
HOBBIES: Drawing cartoons, tumblring, exploring (through eating and running)
CONTACT: [email protected]
ABOUT ME: To start with, I’m always in a hyper-weird state unless I’m
boggled down with homework. I’ve been in Rotaract since Fall 2011, so this
will be my fourth semester in the club. I’m really friendly and love
hanging out with people. I’m always on the lookout for food buddies (I
even have my own food blog) and/or running buddies. I also am a health
nut, so if you want good, hearty food, then cook with me! Don’t be afraid
to ask me anything even if it’s to draw you a pokemon photo, which I have
been known to do.

Camille Mellet, International Committee Co-Chair

YEAR: 2nd, Undergraduate
MAJOR: Integrative Biology
SERVICE PASSIONS: Public health and education
HOBBIES: Eating, photography, traveling, reading, languages
CONTACT: [email protected]
ABOUT ME: Hi! I’m Camille, and I’m one of the International Committee co-chairs for Spring 2013. I joined International Committee as a freshman and was really inspired by the difference people can make working together, so I hope to have the same impact on members this semester! Outside of Rotaract, I love going on adventures (preferably food-related and with a photography component) and learning new languages (I speak French and Spanish). I really enjoy meeting new people, so please come say hi!

Sophie Li, International Committee Co-Chair

YEAR: 1st, Undergraduate
MAJOR: Molecular Cell Biology Immunology and Public Health
SERVICE PASSIONS: Anything that tackles issues involving global health, education, or both (like school-feeding programs!)
HOBBIES: Cooking, baking, listening to music, watching TV and movies, people-watching, reading, and trying all of the cute little eateries in Berkeley!
CONTACT: [email protected]
ABOUT ME: Cal Rotaract was the first organization I joined when I got to Berkeley, and I couldn’t have made a better choice. Last semester, I had an amazing time volunteering with all of the incredibly passionate members of Rotaract. As a new member of the International Committee, I was so impressed with how much we were able to accomplish in one short semester. Now, I’m delighted to serve as one of your International Service Co-Chairs this semester! I’m especially excited because this position gives me the opportunity to meet and work with so many inspiring Rotaract members. Please feel free to come say hi anytime!

Danielle McGuinness, Fellowship Co-Chair

YEAR: 1st, Undergraduate
MAJOR: Intended Integrative Biology
SERVICE PASSIONS: Anything and everything hands-on and interactive in the local community—soup kitchens, beautification and clean up, working with kids, fundraising
HOBBIES: Food adventures, people-watching, singing… a lot, cheering for my Giants at AT&T Park, dim sum, Zumba, Instagram (it’s kind of an unhealthy addiction), running, hiking
FAVORITE CHILDHOOD TV SHOW: Sailor Moon (she even came to my 5th birthday party!)
CONTACT: [email protected]
ABOUT ME: Hey there! I’m Danielle, and this is my first year in Cal Rotaract! This semester, I’ll be serving you alongside Steven Ryoo as one of the Fellowship directors. Coming from a really small high school (my graduating class had 90 people), joining Rotaract helped me find a welcoming, passionate family at Cal. I hope that I can help continue to bring together the best of community service and fellowship because I think that’s what truly makes Rotaract special. Aside from service, I love pugs, tea, making music, ugly face contests, and generally embarrassing myself in public… so if you enjoy any of those things or have ideas/suggestions for socials, please come say hi!

Steven Ryoo, Fellowship Co-Chair

YEAR: 2nd, Undergraduate
MAJOR: Integrative Biology
SERVICE PASSIONS: Hands on projects, education and international projects
HOBBIES: Playing/watching football (GO PATRIOTS), snowboarding, watching movies, hanging out with friends, playing board games, eating, sleeping, trying new things, and meeting new people!
CONTACT: [email protected]
ABOUT ME: How you doin’? I’m Steven and I am one of your Co-Fellowship Directors this year along with Danielle! I was born in South Korea and moved to America before Pre-School. I currently live in Pleasanton, and I am a pre-dental student, so make sure to smile! I fell in love with Rotaract last year and could not be more proud to represent you all as an officer. Additionally, I am so excited to plan fun events and activities for everyone to get to know each other! Although Danielle and I have some pretty big shoes to fill, we will try our best to make banquet enjoyable and memorable. I am very approachable and interested in all of your opinions so if you have any suggestions for socials or banquets this next year, let me know!

Greg Phillips, Family Co-Chair

YEAR: 2nd, Undergraduate
MAJOR: Chemical Biology, Minor: Global Poverty & Practice
SERVICE PASSIONS: I’m particularly moved by the tragedies of sex-trafficking and lack of clean water access, but I aspire to help everyone in need any way that I can!
HOBBIES: I love traveling, exploring, hiking, playing tennis, baking, and hanging out with friends!
CONTACT: [email protected]
ABOUT ME: I’m so glad to be one of Cal Rotaract’s Fall 2012 International Committee Chairs! I can’t wait to see all we can accomplish working together to make the world a better place. I love exploring and going on spontaneous adventures. Sometimes I walk through Sproul even if it’s not directly between class and my apartment because I love randomly running into friends! Looking forward to getting to know all of you wonderful people in Cal Rotaract!! (and running into you on campus! ;D)

Lawrence Vo, Rotary Liaison

YEAR: 1st, Undergraduate
MAJOR: Business and Public Health
SERVICE PASSIONS: Large-scale projects that help the international community and promote international unity
HOBBIES: Trying new food, meeting new people, hanging out, late night adventures, and late night talks
CONTACT: [email protected]
ABOUT ME: Hello! My name is Lawrence Vo and I will be serving as your Rotary Liaison for the 2013 year! This is my first year of Cal Rotaract and I am as energetic and enthusiastic as ever to serve my community. I’ve been volunteering ever since 7th grade. I chartered my own Interact club back in District 5170, so it was obvious that I was going to join Rotaract here at Cal. I’m always down to hang out or to go on some crazy adventure. I love trying new things and meeting people, so just hit me up, and we’ll talk. I don’t sleep at night so shoot me an e-mail and we can have a late night talk!


Alex Quan, Finance Intern

YEAR: 1st, Undergraduate
MAJOR: Applied Mathematics & Economics
SERVICE PASSIONS: I enjoy volunteering with the senior residents at retirement homes as well as with children and participating in any kind of environmental events like planting trees or picking up trash.
CONTACT: [email protected]
ABOUT ME: Hi everyone! My name is Alex. In high school, I was actively involved with organizations like Red Cross and Interact, so last semester, I joined Cal Rotaract, a great organization that has given me many opportunities to participate in service. Everyone is so compassionate and positive here, and that just inspires me to be a better individual as well. I love to volunteer and give back to the community whenever I can. That’s why my goal is hopefully to continually make an impact on other people’s lives. I also love to eat a lot, swim, and just hang out with friends and family whether it’s watching movies or playing games. Overall though, I’m a very happy individual who is ready to take challenges and meet new people!

Lenna Nguyen, Recollections Intern

YEAR: 2nd, Undergraduate
MAJOR: Public Health, Education & Practice of Art double minor
SERVICE PASSIONS: Educational outreaching & higher education services, mentorships, art therapy, and any volunteering service that includes arts & crafts!
FAVORITE CHILDHOOD TV SHOW: Cardcaptors and Pokemon! Those were the good ol’ days…
CONTACT: [email protected]
ABOUT ME: Hi everyone, I’ve never had and Interact/Rotaract related experience in the past, and I’m so so SO glad I stumbled upon Cal Rotaract this year! Being in Cal Rotaract has been highly rewarding for me thus far, and I am forever thankful for this warming family to welcome me with open arms. Besides that, I really enjoy taking pictures/art in general! I also love to bake, so if you love to bake too, let’s have a baking party! And I absolutely love LOVE gaming to the point where I want to become a graphic/concept artist for a company some day, only if my optometry route fails me (let’s hope not, though!).

Lenna Vo, Historian Intern

YEAR: 1st, Undergraduate
MAJOR: Intended Psychology or Cognitive Science
SERVICE PASSIONS: Working with children, Local projects
ABOUT ME: Hello my beautiful people! I’m Leena, and I’m super glad to be your historian intern for this spring semester. I like eating Mexican Food, taking pictures of random things, hanging out with friends, and going on Facebook. This is my first year in Cal Rotaract, and I’m extremely happy that I joined! I love helping people and making them happy, and I’ve always wanted to be part of a group that would share similar interests. Miraculously, not only did I meet wonderful people in Cal Rotaract, but I also had the opportunity to positively impact my community through service!

Terry Tsai, Historian Intern

YEAR: 1st, Undergraduate
MAJOR: Computer Science, Music minor
SERVICE PASSIONS: Serving the people in the community through music and the arts, and tutoring.
HOBBIES: Playing the piano, practicing photography, writing poetry, messing with computers, and sharing the moment with friends!
FAVORITE CHILDHOOD TV SHOW: Courage the Cowardly Dog, Samurai Jack, Static Shock
CONTACT: [email protected]
ABOUT ME: What is up, person reading about me? I’m a Bay Area native, have never moved in my life until college, and cannot be trusted with anything that involves steering. I joined Cal Rotaract as soon as I possibly could in college because Cal Rotaract brings to me a friendly family, opportunities for leadership and ways to give back to the community. To me, our ability to express ourselves is an essential part of our humanity, so I’ve been spending the last several years of my life seeking ways to express myself through music, (if you gots the chops then we should make music together), through poetry, and, more recently, through photography! As your Historian Intern this semester, I’m going to be hunting you down without mercy with my cameras. So prepare yourself!

Kristian Kim, Interact Liaison Intern

YEAR: 1st, Undergraduate
MAJOR: Peace and Conflict Studies
SERVICE PASSIONS: Support and affirmation not only for orphans, outcasts and refugees who are rejected from society and lack crucial physical and emotional resources, but also for victims of bullying and abuse who are unaware of their own beauty and worth.
ABOUT ME: I am very passionate about social justice, human rights advocacy, and encouraging high school students to pursue their dreams post-graduation. I love being active and outdoors, and can’t wait to break out my surfboard in a few months HOLLA! Ice cream is my guilty pleasure. I have a mild obsession with Bruno Mars. I read for fun, adore working with kids and usually put my right shoe on first. Stoked to be serving with Cal Rotaract this semester!

George Li, Interact Liaison Intern

YEAR: 1st, Undergraduate
SERVICE PASSIONS: Education and most hands-on activities
HOBBIES: Wushu, Badminton, League, Doodling/Drawing, Stuffing myself with food, sleeping less than I should (not an enjoyable hobby but happens too often), and math (yeah, you didn’t read that wrong xD)
CONTACT: [email protected]
ABOUT ME: Hello there! My name is George Li and I’ll be your Interact Liaison working under Lawrence Vo along with Kristian Kim this semester with Berkeley Y Interact at Berkeley High to help expand their club! My hometown is Calgary, AB and if you don’t recognize that name, it’s ‘cause it’s in Canada! Yup, I’m an international student (although I don’t get much of a culture shock besides the lack of certain chocolates and candies here: Google “Smarties” and “Aero chocolate.”) I joined Rotaract last semester and found it super fun even though I wasn’t in Interact in high school. I met lots of new friends here last semester but I’m always looking to meet more! Come say hi 🙂