Officers Fall 2021


Executive Board: Lauren, Ivy, Nick, Shuka

Internal Board: Cynthia, IsaacKyleMika, Nicholas, Samantha, Semele, Shannon

External Board:  Aadhithya, Alejandra, Bryan, Duy, Esmeralda, GenevieveNaomi, Zannelle

Executive Board

Lauren Dela Rosa

Lauren Dela Rosa

Junior | Math

Contact Email:
[email protected] OR [email protected]


watching dramas, listening to music, reading, scrolling through my phone, playing with my cats, bothering my friends, doing nothing!!
Service Passions:
Mental health awareness, Educational equity and opportunities, Other equity issues in general


About Me:

Hello, friend! My name is Lauren, and I am beyond excited to be serving as your President for the 2021 year. I am from a small town west of Sacramento (it’s literally called West Sac), and for as much as it is mocked as the capitol for having nothing, I can’t imagine calling anywhere else home. I have two cats that are and forever will be my babies, and more often than not, they can be found in the background of my zoom calls. Before becoming the Rotaract Cat Lady ™, I was known as the girl with the BTS lanyard, which is still true. If you ever want a new friend who you can swap cat pictures, share in your love of KPop, or have random conversations with, I will gladly volunteer! I am an interesting combination of awkwardly quiet when I can be and bubbly when I need to be, but either way, I would love to get to know and befriend you. Feel free to strike up a conversation with me if I don’t first! I can usually be found asking people if they’ve eaten or slept enough. Speaking of, have you gotten your eight hours?

Why Rotaract?

Honestly, I feel like it is really difficult to put my answer to this question into words. No matter the way I try to string phrases together, nothing has ever been able to truly express how grateful I am for the community of people I have found within Rotaract. As much as I love the service aspect of what we do, I know that if I really needed to, I would be able to find this elsewhere. However, the sense of support, warmth, and welcoming that I have found in this organization is one I can confidently say is unique to it. In such a large campus with so many people, it can be easy to feel lost in the crowd and overwhelmed by the sense of everything that is Berkeley, but every time I step into one of these meetings, it is like a breath of fresh air. Here is a room full of people whose only common goal is to serve the community, linked by the hope that we will be able to give back as much as, if not more than, we have received. Every meeting I attended, I was welcomed with genuine greetings and sincere enthusiasm, which only encouraged me to come to more. It quickly grew to become one of my safe spaces at Cal, and everyday I am thankful for the random steps I took that led me to this place. Rotaract has given me some amazing memories that I know have shaped me into the person I am today, and I can’t even begin to imagine what my college experience would look like without it (not that I would want to). I am not naive enough to expect that every person’s time in Rotaract will be exactly like mine, but I think that is part of what makes it so special. While this organization uniquely touches the lives of each member, the family that I have come to know and love is a constant for everyone. I hope that you come out to a meeting and give us an opportunity to show you Why Rotaract.

Ivy Lei

Ivy Lei

Junior | Sociology & Social Welfare

Contact Email:
[email protected] OR [email protected]
Longboarding, late night walks, listening to true crime/paranormal podcasts, going to concerts, and going on s p o n t a n e o u s adventures!!!
Service Passions:
Mental health awareness, socioeconomic equality, personal development, and human rights!!!

About Me:

Hello!! My name is Ivy and I’m a junior from Concord, CA!! I have gained the title of being one of the most sus members on board, but I promise you that I am a lot more tame when you *first* start talking to me. You should know that I practically never sleep during the night, so if you’re ever down for late night adventures, simping over 2D characters, being terrible at video games, or learning how to longboard, you know who to ask (I have a 100% success rate)!! I am also an A V I D tiktok watcher, so if that raises any red flags for you, I promise that I will change your mind eventually. I will also give you my whole heart in exchange for your friendship <33

Why Rotaract?

I was in Interact and Interact District Council 5160 in high school, so it was a given that I joined Rotaract as well!! I have had so many amazing experiences and opportunities throughout my time here, and these are the memories that I never want to forget. Everything about this club is so wholesome and positive!! I honestly can’t believe I’m lucky enough to call these people my friends and work on so many projects that I am passionate about. Truthfully speaking, I have tried many clubs, and I guarantee you that no other organization will try as hard as Cal Rotaract does in incorporating its members. So if you want a club that will become your second family and support you no matter what the circumstances are, then this is the club for you.

Nick Melamed

Nick Melamed

Junior | Business Administration & Data Science

Contact Email:
[email protected] OR [email protected] 
Basketball, spending time with my friends and family (and my dog), attempting to learn how to code
Service Passions:
food insecurity, educational equity, anything related to basic needs in general

About Me:

Hi there! My name’s Nick Melamed and I am a junior studying Business Administration and Data Science. When I’m not busy fulfilling my passion for service with Cal Rotaract, you can probably find me at the Cal NERDS Center on campus or at the RSF playing basketball (when we’re in person). In the online semester, you’re either going to find me spending way too much time on my computer or with my beautiful dog Ice.

Why Rotaract?

I never really had a great Interact experience in high school, so I came to college hoping I could get a fresh start with Rotary. I want to be a Rotarian when I finish my higher education, and I knew that the organization was the best way for me to live out my service passions. It has soared past all of my expectations and was easily the best decision I’ve made in college.

Shuka Park

Shuka Park

Senior | Psychology & Molecular and Cell Biology

Contact Email:
[email protected] OR [email protected] 
Taekwondo, hiking/exploring nature, analyzing music, eating a LOT (does this even count?), and last but not least, I LOVE experiencing new things

Service Passions:

Fighting Against Economic Inequality and Finding Equal Access to Education

About Me:

Hey! My name is Shuka, and I’m honored to serve as one of your Vice Presidents this term! I was born and raised in Japan for part of my childhood, so if you want to talk about Japanese culture (both pop and traditional) I’m down for it! I’m also half-Korean but beyond being dedicated to taekwondo and loving Korean cuisine, I unfortunately don’t know much. However, if you have any K-pop recommendations I’d love to listen to them! I like being active and trying out new things, but I also very much enjoy sitting/lying down somewhere and just talking about life for hours on end when the time is right. I’m down to meet up and get to know you better as a person and just talk about random stuff, seriously! I’m also willing to just hear people out when they need to rant about something or ask for advice because, honestly, I think we should all help each other out when times get tough. After all, life can be more colorful when struggling through it together. Fun fact: I love plushies!

Why Rotaract?

It’s kind of a long story, but it involves Venmo blocks about speeding tickets, learning Japanese kanji in first grade, and a LOT of soul searching. Ask me about it if you’re interested!

Internal Board

Cynthia Shi

Cynthia Shi

Junior | Molecular and Cell Biology

Contact Email: [email protected]
Drawing and other various crafts, hiking, reading
Service Passions:
Education, public health, and human rights

About Me:

Hi! I’m Cynthia, your design chair for this year! I am located in the Bay Area and am currently a junior studying Molecular and Cell Biology with a CalTeach minor. I tend to rotate through hobbies very quickly but am always down to pick up new ones! I come off as rather quiet but I promise I enjoy talking to people (or just listening to people talk).

Why Rotaract?

Having studied abroad my first semester, finding a community when I got back to Berkeley was something I worried about. Rotaract provides an inclusive and welcoming environment on top of allowing me to volunteer my time in a way that is meaningful. I’ve learned a lot about issues I don’t think I would be aware of otherwise through the meetings as well!

Isaac Lin

Isaac Lin

Sophomore | Applied Math and Intended Business Administration

Contact Email: [email protected] Hobbies:
Sports, watching/binging any superhero related content, hiking/getting outdoors, content creation to some extent, baking/cooking, and any pet tbh with a preferred favorite for dogs

Service Passions:

Giving back to the community whether it’s serving the elderly or help prospective college students!

About Me:

Hello, I am Isaac and I am from Hercules, California 😀 I love sports and I mean I have literally dabbled in pretty much every sport you can name of and it has been a blessing, but also a curse because I have a body that feels 10 years older than it really is. I really enjoy talking to people even though I can be quite awkward in the moment, but feel free to come chat and just vibe with me. On my free time, I like to resort to my switch or watching superhero related content or just randomly scrolling through looking for things to watch. I love to cook/bake, but also I am very big foodie and will pretty much eat anything.

Why Rotaract?

Rotaract has been my home away from home (quite cliche I know :D) and they provide me tons of support, warmth, and comfort whenever I need. We have the best of both worlds because we have access to resources, but also a community that has your back no matter what. I can proudly say that I have met some of my best friends in the club and they are so many things that I wish I knew the start of my freshmen year. If I was given the choice, I would do it again in a heart beat. To reiterate, Rotaract is more than amazing and it is super rewarding especially with the connections to the wonderfully talented and kind people and the projects Rotaract is involved in.

Kyle Diarmit

Kyle Diarmit

Junior | Political Sciences with Minors in Education and Human Rights

Contact Email: [email protected]
kpop, reading, bullet journaling anime, and attempting to learn a new language
Service Passions:
education equity, gender equality, human rights, financial literacy

About Me:

hello! My name is Kyle and I am one of the Designers for Cal Roatarct 2021. I am from Los Angeles and am a junior studying Political Science with minors in Education and Human Rights. After graduation I plan to work at Teach for America and then attend law school and become an international human rights lawyer!!

Why Rotaract?

As a transfer student at Cal I was super worried about finding my community and a sense of belonging on campus. I’m super passionate about giving back to the community and wanted to find an organization on campus that would allow me to do just that. Thankfully, within my first few weeks at Berkeley I attend one of Cal Rotaract’s general meetings and fell in love. Not only does Cal Rotaract provide students with opportunities to participate in community service, but everyone is super super welcoming and kind. If you’re passionate about making a difference in the community and want to meet some cool people along the way then come check us out 🙂

Mika Huynh

Mika Huynh

Senior | Molecular and Cell Biology

Contact Email: [email protected] Hobbies:
playing music, reading, traveling, hanging out with friends, and exploring new places!
Service Passions:
spreading mental health awareness/normalizing mental health, health equity

About Me:

Hey everyone! My name is Mika, and I’m a senior transfer from San Jose. I’m majoring in Molecular and Cell Biology, hoping to go to medical school after graduating from Berkeley. However that sounds, I promise I’m not only studying… mostly because I’m procrastinating, but that’s besides the point. I love watching movies and talking about things like Harry Potter and anything Marvel or Disney. I also love playing music on the piano and over quarantine, I tried to teach myself guitar. With that love for music, I also love musicals, and one of my goals in life would definitely be to see something on Broadway in New York. I also love traveling and trying new foods, and I love drinking absurd amounts of coffee. Lastly, I love meeting new people, so please feel free to say hi!

Why Rotaract?

Community service has become one of the most important and fulfilling parts of my life throughout my community college experience. It’s shown me how great it is to give back to others and how lifelong friendships can form through a shared love of service. In high school, I didn’t have the time to join Interact, but some of my closest friends wouldn’t stop talking about it, and I knew I had missed out. Transferring to Berkeley, I knew that I didn’t want to miss that chance again, so I immediately joined Rotaract, and I’m so happy with the experiences I’ve gained and the people I’ve met.

Nicholas Hy

Nicholas Hy

Senior | Environmental Economics and Policy

Contact Email: [email protected] Hobbies:
Playing basketball and volleyball, skating, longboarding, pen spinning, playing the piano, solving the Rubik’s cube
Service Passions:
Dental health education, financial literacy, economic justice, sustainability

About Me:

Hi all, my name is Nicholas (or Nick) and I am from the South Bay Area. I’m a very active person, so I enjoy playing sports, exercising, skating, and longboarding. I love watching comedic TV shows, like The Office, Rick and Morty, and the Big Bang Theory. One fun fact about me is that I share the same birthday (different years) as my siblings, but we are not twins or triplets. I am very outgoing and social, so feel free to reach out to me if you want to be friends!

Why Rotaract?

I joined Rotaract because I wanted to find an organization where I could continue to perform community service. Rotaract was the perfect organization for me because of the immense passion and dedication towards service. I always see excitement and selfless behaviors in all of the members because the people of Rotaract are willing to put ‘service above self’. This organization resonates with altruism, and I am glad to be a part of it alongside my friends.

Samantha Herrera

Samantha Herrera

Sophomore | English

Contact Email: [email protected] Hobbies:
Reading, reviewing said books/ranting about books in general, playing tennis, pen palling, and drawing!
Service Passions:
Anything that involves access to literacy, environmental issues and sustainability, or working with children!

About Me:

Hello there! My name is Samantha and I am so excited to be one of your HR Co-chairs for this year! I was born and raised in the Central Valley (specifically Bakersfield, CA) and am currently a Sophomore. I am majoring in English and minoring in Journalism and Creative Writing! I am an ambivert so I can come off as a little shy at first but after I get to know someone I can very loud and outgoing! One of my favorite hobbies is reading and during quarantine I even started a bookish Instagram where I post book reviews, so if you ever need some book recommendations or someone to rant with about a popular book series (Harry Potter, Hunger Games etc.) hit me up!

Why Rotaract?

I was VP of my Interact Club in high school so I wanted to continue helping others through Rotaract! Community service allows me to make a difference in Berkeley, even if it is in small ways. I was ecstatic when I realized how nice and sweet everyone is in this club is and I feel I have found a group on campus where I truly belong. <3

Semele Hargis

Semele Hargis

Senior | Molecular and Cell Biology & Toxicology

Contact Email: [email protected]
I love hiking, riding my bike, paddleboarding, reading, hanging out with my dogs, and knitting! Service Passions: I’m passionate about raising healthcare awareness and general knowledge, especially when it comes to

women’s health. Women’s health is still very over-policied and policed by government bodies and the healthcare system has, in many instances, put societal pressures onto women’s health choices, ignoring what they actually want to do with their bodies. There is also a huge lack of proper sexual health education present in our country, and I have joined groups like the Sexual Health Education Program on campus to help educate people, so they can live safer lives doing whatever it is they want to do!

About Me:

I’m a senior here at Cal and on an average day, you can catch me reading underneath my bed (I swear it’s comfortable down there), stressing out over school stuff, or hanging out with my dogs and playing on my switch! I’m planning on going to medical school after graduation and hopefully ending up as an OB-GYN, so I can make progress in one of the areas I’m passionate about- women’s health. So excited to make this virtual semester the best it can be!

Why Rotaract?

I have always been involved in Rotary adjacent clubs since high school. I really enjoy the premise of Rotary and getting involved in both the local community, and in more international projects. I also have always loved how Rotaract doesn’t foster competition to get in, unlike some on-campus organizations- we’re just a bunch of people who want to make change in our community, and I love that about us 

Shannon Lee

Shannon Lee

Junior | Molecular and Cell Biology

Contact Email: [email protected]
Cooking, learning languages, listening to kpop, watching kdramas, trying new foods, making puns, playing basketball
Service Passions:
Language barriers in healthcare, education and opportunity equity, mental health awareness/ normalization

About Me:

Yello!!! My name is Shannon and I’m just your average sleep deprived college student addicted to boba. In my free time (when I have any), I like to cook different things (my most recent successful escapades have been runny salted egg yolk mooncakes…) and trying new foods to satisfy my foodie cravings. I also am slightly obsessed with Mamamoo… just a little… and most kpop artists, so feel free to rant about anything kpop related with me. When I’m not simping over Solar, Wheein, Hwasa, and Moonbyul, I also dabble a bit in the sport of basketball and love to scrimmage with people spontaneously when things were in person ( I suck but I just like to play… I once ended up playing a homeless dude for an hour at People’s Park ooop) I’m generally a friendly person if you can get past my bad puns, so feel free to say hi to me at meetings :).

Why Rotaract?

Why not Rotaract? One of the reasons I actually chose UC Berkeley was because it was one of the most active and largest Rotaract clubs in the world. I was a huge part of my high school’s Interact and knew it was something I wanted to continue with in college. I’m also very big on contributing back to society with what time and resources you’re able to and wanted to join a service club in college if I had the chance. Rotaract just checked all the boxes for me! Furthermore, in such a big school, I have found some of the most down to earth people here at Rotaract and have made some of my closest friends in this club. Rotaract is sincerely my college family, and I wouldn’t trade it for any other club on campus. 

External Board

Aadhithya Manimaran

Aadhithya Manimaran

Junior | Molecular and Cell Biology

Contact Email: [email protected]
soccer, badminton, video games, food
Service Passions:
environment, education, and youth empowerment!

About Me:

Howdy! My name is Aady and I’m so happy to be one of your Interact co-chairs for 2021! I’m from San Jose, CA and I’m a junior at Berkeley (this will be my fourth semester as part of Cal Rotaract). I would describe myself as initially shy but more talkative as I get to know you, and I’m so excited to meet y’all during events and socials! Some stuff I enjoy outside of Rotaract and service include the various food places around Berkeley (Marugame Udon is my favorite!), playing club badminton, video games (I love anything Nintendo), and action movies like Star Wars and Marvel! I’m excited to work with y’all this year, go bears!

Why Rotaract?

After being part of my high school Interact Club, Rotaract seemed to be an exciting jump at Berkeley to continue serving my community. I was instantly welcomed into a club with the same passion as my own, and I got the opportunity to work in the Interact Committee planning the Stayover! The community along with the numerous opportunities to perform meaningful service made this club super unique to me, compelling me to stay and look to become even more involved!

Alejandra Soto

Alejandra Soto

Senior | Molecular and Cell Biology

Contact Email: [email protected]
read, paint, hang out at the beach, eat s’mores, visit coffee shops (pre pandemic), listen to music, watch movies

Service Passions:
Public health, underrepresented communities, human rights, helping the environment

About Me:

Hi my name is Alejandra but you can call me Ale 🙂 I’m a senior transfer student from Salinas, CA (the salad bowl of the world) and really excited to be part of Rotaract. I like to plan my days ahead because it gives me structure and will help me not loose my marbles :)) but I also love spontaneous adventures (pre pandemic of course). I could drink iced coffee in 0 degree weather and if I could only eat ramen and tacos for the rest of my life without serious health consequences I would.

Why Rotaract?

My high school had an interact club and that is where my love for community service started. When I was at community college there was also a Rotaract club there (smaller of course) and my love for “service about self” remained. I’m excited to see what Cal Rotaract will have in store for this year and will continue to expand my love for making our community a better place for everyone.

Bryan Huang

Bryan Huang

Senior | Environmental Economics and Policy

Contact Email: [email protected]
Watching sports, working out, eating, contemplating the meaning of life, trying to discover any semblance of talent I may have

Service Passions:
Youth mentorship, community empowerment, addressing various inequalities and inequities

About Me:

Hey everyone, I’m Bryan and I’m from San Jose, California. I have to
define myself as a sports guy having been in sports both playing and
watching pretty much my whole life. I could talk sports all day, so if
that’s your thing, hit me up. Besides that, I’m a pretty basic guy. I
enjoy all different types of food, whether it’s exploring the city or
going back to Chipotle over and over. I like adventuring out with people
doing just about anything, such as hiking or going to the movies.
That’s either because of or in spite of my quietness, which is why I’m
so appreciative of the fellowship aspect of this organization. I’m
excited to be serving you in that regard and I hope to get to know as
many of you as possible (or as will deal with me) over the course of the

Why Rotaract?

I knew I wanted to join a service organization because I really wouldn’t consider my college experience complete just serving myself, so after Jessica bothered me for about the hundredth time about Rotaract, I decided to give it a shot (I’m only partially kidding). But once I joined, I knew I wanted to stay because I felt that the people in this organization cared about me more than just as partners in service like how other clubs would just view you as a member; I was welcomed with open arms by all different kinds of people even when I joined in the middle of the semester. It’s a community of passionate individuals that I’m proud to be a part of.

Duy-Anh Dang

Duy-Anh Dang

Junior | Data Science

Contact Email: [email protected]
Video games, food, volleyball, gym, reddit, boba

Service Passions:
educational opportunities, community involvement, and nutrition sustenance

About Me:

Hey whoever is reading this, just call me Duy (Dew-weeeeeeeeeeeee) and I don’t know if this matters, but I’m a scorpio. I’m from East San Jose, so if you’re in the area, let’s link. Out in public, I’m pretty quiet but in my element, I’m wack asf (ask the other officers). When I’m watching shows, I only have three moods: Brooklyn 99, Attack on Titan, or the Boys. I’m also a sucker for new food and drinks especially boba. If you give me a taco, I will do anything you ask.
Why Rotaract?

Why not Rotaract?

 I really was drawn into the unique aura and environment that Rotaract provided. The people were very inclusive, but also hard-working and dedicated to their service passion. Growing up, I needed a lot of assistance and received many opportunities from my community, and so by joining Rotaract, I wanted to give the same opportunities to other students.

Esmeralda Lopez Flores

Esmeralda Lopez Flores

Sophomore | Business Administration

Contact Email: [email protected]
I enjoy trying new foods, cooking/baking, reading, coloring, making semi-successful homemade crafts, listening to music, meeting new people, watching a lot of movies/tv shows, and doing absolutely nothing.

Service Passions:
I have a lot of things I am passionate, 

service-wise, but I would say the most important to me right now are spreading mental health awareness, women’s rights, children’s rights, equality for all, and anything to do with helping the environment

About Me:

Hello everyone! My name is Esmeralda but you can call me Esme (if you would like), and I am originally from Sinaloa, Mexico although right now I currently reside in central California. I am a first generation Latinx college student who speaks English and Spanish (who is also pretty in love with telenovelas or anything romantic/drama related). I spend most of my time studying and stressing about college, but when I am not doing that I enjoy eating at different places and socializing with friends (whether it be to watch a movie or go on an adventure, I’m game). I also like to think I am a fairly social and friendly person so if you ever need a friend here at Cal, I’m here.

Why Rotaract?

I mean why not right? I was a part of the high school equivalent of Rotaract called Interact and I seriously had such a great time. The people were great and even as a high school student I was making a difference in my community. So when I came to Cal, I actively searched for Cal Rotaract because I was so excited to continue my service journey. I want to be able to help others in need as much as I can because I know first-hand what it is like to be alone with no one to help you. Rotaract is full of awesome people who are incredibly kind and passionate, and I really hope you can join us this year. Stay safe out there!

Genevieve Bellavance

Genevieve Bellavance

Sophomore | Undeclared

Contact Email: [email protected]
playing animal crossing, listening to music, reading, sleeping, spending too much time on Twitter

Service Passions:
gender equality, lgbtq+ advocacy, mental health awareness, education, environmental sustainability, Black Lives Matter and racial justice

About Me:

Hello! I’m Genevieve and I use she/they pronouns. I love K-pop and musical theatre, so hit me up if you need a buddy to see a concert or show with!! I also like to consider myself a casual gamer: you can find me playing Minecraft, Animal Crossing: New Horizons, and League of Legends in my free time. I’m super excited to be one of your Interact Committee Co-Chairs, and I hope to see you all at our meetings!

Why Rotaract?

In high school, I joined Interact and found a place where I could befriend and collaborate with people who were just as passionate about service as I was. It was amazing to be surrounded with that energy, and I loved it so much that I even applied for District Council (shoutout to Area 10!!). I knew I didn’t want to leave it all behind in high school, so I promised myself that I would join Rotaract in college. And now, here I am! It’s only been one semester, but I already feel that I have a welcoming community in Rotaract. I cannot wait to continue my commitment to service with the rest of my fellow Rotaractors, and I encourage you to join us too 😀

Naomi Pearl

Naomi Pearl

Junior | Global Studies

Contact Email: [email protected]
Baking, watching Netflix, rock climbing, trying new foods, exploring new places
Service Passions:
Mental health awareness, environmental awareness, social equity

About Me:

Hi everyone, I’m Naomi! I’m from San Diego, but I never adjusted to the hot weather despite living there for 17 years (catch me dancing in the rain at Cal). I reallyyy enjoy eating, my sweet tooth is insane, and I could actually eat noodles for the rest of my life. If you enjoy making puns please share them with me. I will genuinely laugh at them.

Why Rotaract?

I was very involved in community service in high school and I wanted to continue into college, so I joined Rotaract! It was a great opportunity to make service a bigger part of my life, as well as connect with an amazing, passionate group of people who value giving back to the community as much as I do.

Zannelle Iwen

Zannelle Iwen

Senior | Sociology

Contact Email: [email protected]
I love to try out new crafty things like sewing and watercolor, journaling, reading, and baking but my favorite hobby is just relaxing by watching reality tv and doing nothing.

Service Passions:
I’m passionate about workers rights and 

labor rights as a way to lower economic inequality as well as ensuring access to healthcare, education, and basic needs for all.

About Me:

Hi everyone! I’m Zannelle, and I’m so excited to be your Fellowship Chair this year! I’m originally from a rural town in Montana, but I have been in the Bay Area for about five years. I’m a transfer student from City College of San Francisco majoring in Sociology with a special interest in economic sociology and organizational behavior. If you’re into astrology I’m a Cancer sun with an Aries moon, if you like personality tests I’m a INFJ. I also just took a Buzzfeed quiz that says I’m most like a honey bbq chicken wing. I love to spend time exploring new places and learning new things, so if you’re looking for someone to try something out with let me know!

Why Rotaract?

I joined Rotaract because it is such an active, positive, inviting group of people. I was looking for a club to join and Rotaract’s commitment to service and community, especially during the virtual year, was super appealing to me. The service events we have done over the last semester have proven to me that even during difficult times we can make an impact on our community. Meeting so many cool and interesting people through Rotaract has definitely been the highlight of my time at Berkeley so far.