In our latest Rotatea issue, we are pleased to introduce to you our spectacular International committee! The International committee is one of our three committees here in Rotaract that focuses on international service and topics. In this committee, members have profound discussions at biweekly meetings and participate in international service projects.
Curious as to what our members think of International Committee? We have none other than Olivia Huang, a member of the International Committee, to share her thoughts!

Why did you join the International Committee?
“The first thing I went to was the Warm Hands event. I was looking for a place that tried to do things that impacted people. Even if it was local and we couldn’t do much because of COVID, we could still try our best. I thought that the community was nice too.”
What has been your favorite memory so far in the International committee?
“My favorite memory so far has been interacting with other people in the committee and seeing why they’ve joined and why they’re also here. Being able to meet new people has been really nice too.”
What was your favorite event for the International committee that you have done in the past?
“This is my first semester with IC, because last semester I was a little too busy to do it. My favorite event would be Warm Hands because it was very chill, and you could just sit there and knit. It was my first time knitting!”
Which International committee event are you looking foward most to this semester?
“Rise Against Hunger! That one looks really fun.”
Are you excited about the ‘generosity’ theme for the committee this semester?
“Yes, I think it’s applicable to how we live our daily lives, like giving and doing good in general. Generosity is what everyone’s trying to do.”
Interested in being a part of the International committee?
Club meetings are generally every other Wednesday, 7-8 pm (on weeks with no general meetings). For more specific dates, you can find us on our Facebook group or check out the website calendar.
Thank you for taking the time in reading more about International Committee, and we hope you enjoyed learning about what the International committee does! If you have any questions, feel free to contact the International committee chairs at [email protected] or us at [email protected]. Make sure to check out the other Rotaract committees as well!